обложка автора velfr


🌿 I’m furry artist 🌿
0 из 100 платных подписчиков
when I get a hundred subscribers, I can devote more time to creativity
18.95 из $ 341 собрано
for support and tips! and on the stylus
0 из $ 1 135 собрано
ych comm

Об авторе

Hey! I am an animal and furry artist. here I will upload fan art for various films, series, cartoons! I will be glad to your orders and support!
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Пост доступен только после покупки
news about my job as a teacher
Пост доступен только после покупки
Пост доступен только после покупки
Пост доступен только после покупки
A portrait of my mother and best friend as a New Year's gift.
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and this is a small portrait sketch
Автор ограничил возможность комментировать этот пост.
a small, not very similar copy for general development. I will still apply for higher education. I want to prepare myself

my college thesis

I can't help but share, I got a 5 for her on a five-point system. Inspired by the Russian group Give a Tank (!), namely the aria of the moose from the musical "Parasite Words"This is a wooden panel-a night light with a Moose and a Magpie called "the owner of the forest"

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