creator cover VasyaOkami


☀️I draw during the day, 🌒 I draw at night 💖
49.17 of $ 286 money raised
I'll be able to pay for a subscription to the programs I draw in and buy my own creative materials! ~~~ Проще говоря, я стану капельку счастливее~

About the creator

HELLO. My name is VasyaOkami, im artist from Russia. I would love to do my job and paint something for you!
I would be happy if you buy my posts or donate! <3 

I can draw 
Humans, Anthro, Feral (including pony, dragons, etc.).

Here on BOOSTY you can pay with your PayPal, so it’ll be easy (look at picture to see how you can do it!)! If you need more info or examples-please DM me on VK @vasyaokami.

Guide by @ryukiroart.  https://www.furaffinity.net/view/46271238/  

Subscription levels

Knock, knock, who's there? (1$)

$ 1,15 per month
You'll just see something :D
Маленькая поддержка мне - плюс к карме и лучи благодарности вам! 

☆ Почётный товарищ тле́ющего ми́ра ☆(5$)

$ 5,8 per month
Ранний доступ к постам, возможность посмотреть процессы создания рисунков и ежемесячный скетч-рисунок от меня С: 

Super art from you! (10$)

$ 11,5 per month
Early access to all updates! More detail!  + sketch from me as a gift С;
+ chat
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