Flight Rising art slot!
Сделала пост на форуме Flight Rising! Там можно предложить своего дракона для создания арта с ним. Жду всех желающих~
https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3378859/1#post_57923025Made a post on the Flight Rising forum! There you can offer your dragon for creating art with it. I'm waiting for everyone who wants it~

" Hi, I'm VasyaOkami . I'm opening commishnas on my drawings.
I draw a human, a furry, a dragon, feral, fantasy beastsor a other
I don't draw anything that I can't handle. I'll definitely tell you about it if it happens!
With payment on boosty!!!
You should have a link on ready reference.
Payment must be made within 24 hours after we discuss all the details.
If for some reason I did not contact you within the specified time, payment can be made later.
All payment must be sent before receiving the finalized art.
You sent me a reference of your character and a small description of this character.
You can describe the desired idea for art or trust in my imagination.
Deadline: 1-5 day
Price and examples:
I can draw art for chests from past festivals that I missed.
sketchart bust - 10USD or 1000g
lineart bust - 15USD or 1500g
full body - 30USD or 3000g
Aquarelle bust - 8USD 800g
Thank u that u are support me.
It is really means to much for me If you have questions, you can ask me!