creator cover VanSchalk


21 of 200 paid subscribers
Для начала - давайте-ка добъёмся тут уровня того же патреона! For starters, I wanna reach here the same number of subscribers as I had on Patreon!

About the creator

Я рисую девушек в экзоскелетах. Да-да, именно так.
I draw girls in sexy exoskeletons. Yup, just like that.
Sunset, variant 22
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
Jessicabot, variant 7
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
Sunset, variant 21
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
Jessicabot, variant 6
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
Jessicabot, variant 5
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
Sunset, variant 20
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
Jessicabot, variant 4
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
YCH September
Level required:
Comic starter pack
Jessicabot, variant 3
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца
Jessicabot, variant 2
Level required:
Character of the month/Персонаж месяца

Subscription levels

Comic starter pack

$ 3,5 per month
Как и заявлено - ранний доступ к комиксам, что я рисую.
As said - access to WIPs and completed pages of most of the comics I do.

Character of the month/Персонаж месяца

$ 6,9 per month
Как и ранее - доступ к артам посвящённым разным персонажам.
Equivalent of 6$ tier - Character of the month (who would've guessed!?)

G project

$ 13,7 per month
Мой специальный комиксовый проект, посвящённый роботизации.
My special comics project, dedicated to robotizaton.

Character of your choice each month!

$ 57 per month
Simple as can be! One character, simple background, variations may be discussed)
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