upyrenysh vampire
upyrenysh vampire
7 subscribers
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Subscription levels

Exclusive content!

$ 1,04 per month

Gift for KiKi!

$ 2,08 per month
Kiki is a very cheerful demon. She is easy to please. She will kiss you to death if you give her a gift!

Gift for Mimi!

$ 3,2 per month
You have a fever? Oh, baby, sit down. Now I'll give you a pill.

Gift for Bibi!

$ 5,2 per month
Give a gift to Bibi!She is very shy. Maybe she will kiss you on the cheek :З

Gift for super-duper rock star Shishi!

$ 7,3 per month
Rock 'roll!!!  

Gift for Shrimpy!

$ 37 per month
Do you want to give a gift to Shrimpy? Good luck.
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