creator cover Nikolay Kasyanov

Nikolay Kasyanov

I write various free and open-sourced programs
Nikolay Kasyanov
0 of $ 2,16 money raised

About the creator

Self-taught open source enthusiast. I do programming as a hobby since 2019 (2020 was an entry year when it comes to free software) and plan to pledge the third of my life to this craft as a whole.
There are no benefits for donating money to me, it is purely altruistic, but I would be moved if you do tip me in case my projects have helped you in some way.
Программист-самоучка. Программирую в удовольствие с 2019 (с 2020 начал выкладывать некоторые проекты в форме свободного софта). Не планирую прекращать, -  нравится воплощать идеи в решения.
Буду рад, если вы решите поблагодарить меня в виде денежного пожертвования. Пишу проекты бесплатно, хоть и в удовольствие, но хотелось бы видеть некую финансовую отдачу от ремесла.
[Application] dela: builds + source code
dela version 0.1.2 source code and static ready to run builds for linux, windows, darwin and freebsd (amd64 + other)
Level required:
Helping hand
100k email addresses
A big one. Over 100 000 email addresses in a file
Level required:
22k email addresses
A file with a little over 22k parsed unique email addresses
Level required:
Helping hand
File of city names (2020)
A little over 23 000 city names of the world I've got somewhere in 2020 to automate some online "knowledge" quiz
Level required:
Helping hand

Subscription levels

Helping hand

$ 0,54 per month
A helping hand


$ 2,16 per month
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