обложка автора Toy Dreams

Toy Dreams

Cute models for 3D Printing
Toy Dreams

Об авторе

Greetings! With a decade of expertise in the realms of advertising, applications, and gaming, I stand as a seasoned 3D designer. My passion for sculpting finds its expression primarily in Cinema 4D, where I craft exceptional, top-tier 3D models. In addition to my 3D design specialization, I bring a wealth of experience as a former cameraperson in the film and advertising industries, granting me a keen eye for visual arts.
Presently, I am proud to be associated with the renowned brand Toy Dreams, where we are dedicated to curating enchanting and imaginative toy designs. My ultimate objective is to create 3D models that captivate the imagination and ignite joy within people. Leveraging my extensive background and innovative approach, I am confident that my work will bring boundless happiness and delight to all.
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Buy Me a Coffee

$ 2,28 в месяц
You can subscribe if you want to thank me as the author of the model you liked, and I will buy myself a cup of coffee for lunch.

Subscription for selling 3D prints

$ 35 в месяц
This subscription grants you the opportunity to legally sell 3D prints of our 3D models in any contries exclude Russian Federation. You can continue selling as long as the subscription is active. Become an authorized seller of our models!
Join now and start monetizing your 3D printing skills with our high-quality models.
Do not buy a subscription if you are in Russian Federation - there is only one authorized seller of models in Russia - Toy Dreams store. 