creator cover Welcome The Storm

Welcome The Storm

InMyStorm// digital art// hobbyist// animalist
Welcome The Storm
230.44 of $ 1 061 money raised
Thanks for you support!

About the creator

"Буря - это гармония, это спокойствие, это тепло, это сочетание синего и оранжевого, это осень летом, это нежность зимой. Буря - это состояние души. Добро пожаловать в мою бурю!"
"Storm it's harmony, it's calm, it's warmth, it's a combination of blue and orange, it's autumn in summer, it's warm in winter. Storm it's a state of mind. Welcome to my storm!"
Рада видеть тебя здесь. Спасибо за твою поддержку! C:
Glad to see you here. Thank you for your support! C:
Commission speedpaint
Level required:

Speedpaint - DAR's Pale Mobbing Machine

This drawing turned out to be the most experimental of all the sketches that I drew earlier. The process was long: I didn't know for a long time what kind of picture I wanted to get in the end, I had to redraw a lot and edit. But the difficulties did not prevent me from enjoying the process.
I am very glad that the customer stayed quite, thank you!
Finished ych for LDK3 with DA. Thanks for the purchase!^^

Этот хрупкий мир/ Fragile world

Хрупкий, хрупкий мир
На наших глазах
A fragile, fragile world
Is crumbling
Before our eyes
Сможет ли кто-нибудь нас спасти?
Can anyone save us?

Subscription levels


$ 1,07 per month
100 rub or 1,63$ 
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