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Dicey Dungeons Witch drawing sketch

Hey all! Haven't posted here in a while!
I've started replaying Dicey Dungeons a couple of weeks ago, because I lost my savefile when moving PCs (yes, I know that cloud saves exist, but I always turn them off, since I have a bit of a history with cloud saves ruining my actual saves).
I had a particularly interesting Witch build that I hadn't ever done before, and it was surprisingly successful. Unfortunately, I forgot to screenshot of it, and forgot to download a VOD of the stream with that run, so the only things I remember from it are: 4 prepared slots, Illuminate, Magic Spear, Doppeldice, Magic Missile.
And I thought I'd make a drawing of the Witch with that build!
Maybe I'll finish it up at some point, maybe not. I know it's not even that impressive, but I just personally like it and want to share it with y'all.

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