13 subscribers
0 of 50 paid subscribers
My little dream >.<
0 of $ 495 money raised
CMMs/your support/your love ❤❤❤ (actually it's for university and my student life)

Subscription levels

1 LOVE level ~

$ 0,99 per month
You get access to a private channel on my discord server with spoilers of arts and arts that will appear on Twitter only after a while.
+ chat

2 LOVE level ~~

$ 5 per month
You get access to a private channel on my discord server with spoilers of arts and arts that will appear on Twitter only after a while 
+ Flatcolor HEAD sketch
+ chat

3 LOVE level ~~<3

$ 9,9 per month
You get access to a private channel on my discord server with spoilers of arts and arts that will appear on Twitter only after a while
+ 10% DISCOUNT on your first CMM
+ chat
Go up