Surviving 2023 (rent, food, parrot medical help & art supplies)
112.75 of $ 113 money raised
На еду и материалы/for food and art supplies
2 373.61 of $ 2 374 money raised
Surviving 2022 (rent, food, parrot medical help & art supplies)
7 179.67 of $ 7 121 money raised
Surviving 2022
(rent, food, parrot medical help & art supplies)
About the creator
Рада Вас Видеть на моей странице/nice to meet You!
Основное творчество TechieSxC — иллюстрации антропоморфных персонажей. Кроме этого на этой странице Вы увидите: дизайн и концепты существ, иллюстрации животных и птиц, дизайн орнаментов, паттернов и иконок ______________________ TechieSxC main work is illustrations of anthropomorphic characters. In addition on this page you will see: design and concepts of creatures, illustrations of animals and birds, design of ornaments, patterns and icons