31 subscribers
401.23 of $ 1 094 money raised
We continue to create cosplay craft for you!


I would like to introduce you to our work :3
We make craft from very different sources, including our favorite games, anime, and movies. That's why the photo gallery looks so colorful - from cute shiny little things to brutal savage weapons from Bloodborne. Take a look!
Хочу познакомить вас с нашими работами :3
Мы делаем крафт из самых разных фандомов, включая наши любимые игры, аниме и фильмы. Поэтому галерея выглядит так пестро — там есть все от милых блестящих штучек до брутального оружия из Bloodborne. Посмотрите ;)

Subscription levels

Support our work

$ 1,64 per month
If you like our work or want to express your gratitude - you can support us with a small monthly subscription!
We will be glad to receive such support, because it means that someone likes what we create! Very hearwarming :3
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