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Update 1.5.4 Claude-3

Anthropic has released a new series of the world's best roleplay models, Claude-3: Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku. Although Opus is the most powerful model, Sonnet is lively and more vibrant, and can show better results! All new models have the ability to recognize images! 
The TavernAI 1.5.4 update added full support for the Claude API with all new models and image recognition for them during the whole chat. 
Custom Model function
Now, to avoid waiting until someone adds a new model to the interface or proxy model list, the "Custom model" function has been added. It allows you to manually override a model from the list and instantly use it after its release. To use models from the list again, just erase the "Custom model" field. 
A few bugs have been fixed, and some minor changes have been made.
TavernAI 1.5.4 Node.js
TavernAI 1.5.4 Windows exe
TavernAI 1.5.4 Colab 

Subscription levels


$ 0,68 per month
Access to the development notes
Your support will help to devote more time to the project


$ 2,02 per month
Access to the development notes.
Early access for new updates.
Role in discord at the top of the list
Your support will help to devote more time to the project
+ chat


$ 6,8 per month
Access to the source code of charaCloud during development.
Access to the development notes.
Early access for new updates.
Role in discord at the top of the list
Your support will help to devote more time to the project!
+ chat


$ 20,4 per month
More powerful subscription
Access to the source code of charaCloud during development.
Access to the development notes.
Early access for new updates.
Role in discord at the top of the list
The ability to create your own channel in TavernAI discord
Your support will help to devote more time to the project!
+ chat

Wealthy Madame

$ 41 per month
Just a subscription for those who like to throw gold coins into the screen
Access to the source code of charaCloud during development.
Access to the development notes.
Early access for new updates.
Role in discord at the top of the list
The ability to create your own channel in TavernAI discord
Your support will help to devote more time to the project!
+ chat

Secret Boss

$ 356 per month
For those who have no limits
All of the above but it has a special role of black color in the discord, which is above all other roles.
+ chat
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