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TavernAI Update Release 1.5.0 Stories

A celebrated rhymester has come into the city, amusing all with ribald stories, the guards still can't catch him.
The main innovation of this update is the new story mode for writing stories and short novellas.
It was discussed in detail in the previous post. In the release version, several bugs were fixed and auto-save when editing the text of the story was added.
The design of the main page was in a sunny watery summer style to match the current season.
Added "rooms" mode for chatting with multiple characters.
Reverse proxies were allocated to a separate API. The models available on the proxy server are automatically loaded into the list of models.
Reverse Proxies are typically private servers that provide access to language models or act as intermediaries for accessing corporate models. Some of them require a password for access. When using Reverse Proxies, it is important to consider the weak confidentiality of this method.
Since any model can have its own context limit and this information is not specified in the metadata, the context for all models has been increased to 100k tokens and the ability to manually enter the context size has been added.
For system prompts and jailbreaks, the ability to create presets was added. The tavern separately remembers the preset set for chat mode and room mode.
Automatic resize of the message input field has been added.
For OpenAI added support for 4 new models: gpt-3.5 16k, Ada, Babbage, Curie
Ada, Babbage, Curie - these are story models and they do not have built-in censorship.
Lots of minor improvements and fixes.
TavernAI 1.5.0 Node.js

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$ 0,68 per month
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$ 2,02 per month
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$ 6,8 per month
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$ 20,4 per month
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Access to the source code of charaCloud during development.
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Role in discord at the top of the list
The ability to create your own channel in TavernAI discord
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Wealthy Madame

$ 41 per month
Just a subscription for those who like to throw gold coins into the screen
Access to the source code of charaCloud during development.
Access to the development notes.
Early access for new updates.
Role in discord at the top of the list
The ability to create your own channel in TavernAI discord
Your support will help to devote more time to the project!
+ chat

Secret Boss

$ 356 per month
For those who have no limits
All of the above but it has a special role of black color in the discord, which is above all other roles.
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