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Update 1.5.2 GPT-4.5 Turbo Vision

Added full support for GPT-4.5 Turbo Vision with image recognition.
OpenAI recently released new feature for gpt-4-turbo api for image recognition. Image sources are added to the chat context in base64 format and the model sees them every time it generates a response. This means that you can compare different images, clarify details and so on.
This feature can be used in many cases. For example, to use pictures instead of character descriptions:
Or to describe situations and environments:
Each picture takes 85 tokens in context. Unnecessary images can be deleted.
The model has 128,000 context size tokens.
Model in the list: gpt-4-vision-preview
Usage guide:
TavernAI 1.5.2 Node.js
TavernAI 1.5.2 Colab 
Whenever I try to have a character post multiple replies, they always ignore anything they've previously written since my last message, and they end up repeating the same action over and over again.
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TavernAI, the zip link gives me a 404 error. Has the exe link on github been updated? I know that link works for me.
James LeDuke, Yes, the exe version has also been updated
Nice project, I'm from the uk... from what I see, good job.

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