Tails Time
Tails Time
7 subscribers
269.89 of $ 982 money raised
I can finish a new Husky mask!
1 137.32 of $ 10 333 money raised
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CAT! Process of creating a large realistic guy!

And so, this is a very small process of the stages of creating a Head and slippers.
 As you can see, I created a model of the head, eyes, teeth.
Tongue and nose made of silicone!
And also a thick fur coat was used, thanks to which the haircut turned out to be very smooth! Ears perfectly fit this cat.
The head view is quite good.
 Thank you for visiting me, there will be more of my work soon!
 Sorry for the large number of watermarks. Someone steal my photos and pass them off as their own.

Subscription levels

One fluffy tail!🐾

$ 1,04 per month
-Now is a difficult time and even such a little help will help me to exist. I will be very grateful to you!

Two fluffy tail!🐾

$ 2,07 per month
  - Exclusive photos of the work process! 
- Photos of completed projects that will not be publicly available!  
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