5 subscribers

Amazing event: new acquaintances, new opportunities, a new stage in the development of the project!

Friends, welcome!🤝
Web Summit 2023 @websummit was an important stage in the development of our project TailBook - the first big event with an audience from all over the world, where we successfully presented our startup!🎉
Thanks to the amazing Konstantin Toroshchin, Yulia Menshakova, Denis Menshakov, people from all over the world learned about our app! 👏Hard to believe, but a year ago it was just an idea!😉
Such a long way and so fast, and this is just the beginning, we not only reached the international level, but also met different people from different countries who showed interest in our app and our idea. 😊
You can't imagine how happy we were when the guys told us about all the positive feedback we received from Web Summit participants and guests! 🥰
Our app is very important, and now it is awaited all over the world! 🙌
We got great emotions, useful acquaintances and an incentive to work further to bring closer the day when homeless animals will start receiving help from caring people all over the world thanks to our app! 🙌
And also we are currently talking to potential investors, who knows, maybe in the future we will share with you great news🤗
We are very grateful to the whole team and the guys who have been talking about our app non-stop for three days! 💪
We have a really amazimg team! 🥰
We would be grateful for any support for our startup. You can find out more about us on our website https://tailbook.me, as well as on our page https://lnkd.in/dSxvqe3g.
By the way, we are not saying goodbye to WebSummit, we are saying: See you soon😉

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