creator cover Swamp Kryakwa

Swamp Kryakwa

Just a bunch of color stuff
Swamp Kryakwa
0 of $ 11,5 money raised
Idk just throw money there if you want to

About the creator

Hi! I'm Kryakwa, a fellow Studio and LDraw fan, and, well, that's what I do - various tools to be used with those! If you are interested in some rendering or modelling tools, enjoy your stay!
Хэй! Меня звать Кряква, и я создаю разные инструменты для работы с LDraw и Studio. Если тебе интересны различные инструменты для рендеринга и моделинга, то, ну, располагайся!

SK Colorpack 2.1

Nothing really special, just a bit of bugfixing
Also, presenting my new installer for Color packs. It would make stuff easier for pack developers, as it allows extremely easy installation and updating of the packs - it automatically updates all data of your pack, as long as you keep color IDs the same in the definition file. See readme.txt for further info
SKColorpack 2.1.zip18.38 MbDownload
Colorpack Installer.zip269.26 KbDownload

PrimiPack update is out!

PrimiPack - mid June.zip369.88 KbDownload
Primitive pack update is released! Now it features proper npegholes (insertions between pinholes)
Primitive pack is a Studio mod that corrects and/or improves primitives to make models look better. To install a primitive pack, just copy files from archive to ldraw folder in main Studio folder (usually C:\Program Files\Studio 2.0\ldraw for Windows or Applications\Studio 2.0\ldraw for Mac)

SK Colorpack 2.0

Finally, SK Colorpack 2.0 is out. Grand update of modification now has almost 200 colors, all of which you can enjoy! 
Note: this version of Colorpack is not compatible with currently available marbled patterns. New version of Marbled Patterns will come later this year.
SK Colorpack 2.0.zip31.75 MbDownload
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Basic support

$ 2,29 per month
Just for you to support my work a little. Throwing some money into my face leads to more time being spent on the projects
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