Swamp Kryakwa
Swamp Kryakwa
3 подписчика
0 из $ 11,5 собрано
Idk just throw money there if you want to

SK Colorpack 2.1

Nothing really special, just a bit of bugfixing
Also, presenting my new installer for Color packs. It would make stuff easier for pack developers, as it allows extremely easy installation and updating of the packs - it automatically updates all data of your pack, as long as you keep color IDs the same in the definition file. See readme.txt for further info
SKColorpack 2.1.zip18.38 MbСкачать
Colorpack Installer.zip269.26 KbСкачать

Уровни подписки

Basic support

$ 2,29 в месяц
Just for you to support my work a little. Throwing some money into my face leads to more time being spent on the projects