обложка автора superkisa


artist and gamergirl
74.59 из $ 114 собрано
I'll draw you something for one-time donations! No need for a subscription~
1.14 из $ 57 собрано
For one-time donations if you don't want to request any drawings from me! Thank you so much in advance <3

Об авторе

Hello everyone! 
I'm an artist and an anime girl enthusiast, and I use this page for posting exclusive content related to my hobby! Sketches, WIPs, painting timelapses and all kinds of things that may be interesting for other artists or people who have the same passion for videogames and cartoons :3
I'll gladly appreciate it if you considered donating (see the goal in the bottom left corner) or subscribing to see the new posts! I'll do my best to post cool stuff and share the steps I take during my artistic journey 🧡
Анимация с лягушечкой + таймлапс картинки
Решила поделиться процессом рисования недавней гифки с лягушкой, а также таймлапсом картинки. Делюсь всякими секретиками своего творчества!
Пост доступен только после покупки
Get this post to see my newest nightcord at 25:00 fanart :D It contains a couple of new pictures + 2 timelapses featuring Mafuyu and Mizuki!
Пост доступен только после покупки
Making Danganronpa OCs
In this post I'm talking about my danganronpa OCs and showing concept art, illustrations and sprites I've never posted before. ^^
Пост доступен только после покупки
Revisiting my old works!
Here I talk about how I drew this Touko (showing step-by-step process!) and give some comment on my working algorithm.
Пост доступен только после покупки

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