How to connect to our Telegram and Discord chats?
1.1 Open 'About author' or open your 1.2. 'Account Settings' and go to 'Connected applications'
1.1. About author - find the button 'connect'
1.2. Account settings - Connected applications
2. Push 'Connect'
3. Pust 'start'
4. Wait for the link to appear and push the link
5. Done! ☀️
1.1 Open 'About author' or open your 1.2. 'Account Settings' and go to 'Connected applications'
1.1. About author - find the button 'connect'
1.2. Account settings - Connected applications
2. Push 'Connect'
3. Scroll down and push 'Accept'
4. Server will automatically appear in your screen. If everything is right, you will see 'Russian club' (this is a private chat only for members of our Russian club)