Sovietwave Records
Sovietwave Records
0 of 100 paid subscribers
Promotion and advertising of one artist monthly.
1 of 2

Restoring the balance!

It was a happy three years of Sovietwave Records. We keep making our content accessible to everyone so there was nothing exclusive to post yet. However, despite we have been targeting to grow and expand in the quality way, making more translations, videos and so on, we are currently experiencing turbulence related to economic sanctions affecting payouts, advertisements, and monetization of us and all our artists. Luckily, we are organized, hard working and efficient enough to continue doing what we are doing, just at a significantly slower pace. You can restore balance in the world by support us through purchasing our merchandise, licensing our music, re-sharing of our music and playlists to your social networks, or becoming a Patreon. When we will get some traction and stabilise our processes, we will continue to create and post nice things more often and, hopefully, launch something exclusive for subscribers. Thank you for listening!

Subscription levels

Развитие и продвижение

$ 2,26 per month
Here you can fund development of Sovietwave Records and ability to promote our even smallest artists on a regular basis.
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