Soggy pizza
Soggy pizza
67 subscribers
11.69 of $ 5,9 money raised
To get myself another drink

trinkets and baubles

Soon i'll get some assets for big mods im part of wrapped up, and after that will post some stuff of real substance. In the meantime, shiny things?
The big blue woman still here?
senkard, ye, oni is in development. I just did art assets for her, so the speed at which she's coded does not depend on me
y'know these look like they could very well be in BR lmao. With their own special sets and everything like what you did with wildering scribbles

Subscription levels


$ 5,9 per month
I don't paywall much of my content, so your support comes only out of goodnes of your heart. Thanks.


$ 14,1 per month
If you think you can donate more than previous tier, then you're welcome to. Thanks alot!
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