«JUST» Online
«JUST» Online
16 подписчиков
3 из 10 платных подписчиков
I want to recruit 10 paid subscribers monthly.
17.97 из $ 394 собрано
Server rental. Features: High performance, Working 24/7, Static IP, No crashes. + Discord Bot
6.23 из $ 6,3 собрано
Your support. Thank you all!
124.42 из $ 68 собрано
Money for development.

Closed beta test was started!

Dear friends!
The «JUST» Online mod has been sent for closed beta testing. During the CBT, bugs and the possibility of causing a server crashes will be identified and fixed.
The open beta launch is scheduled for February 1st.    
Дорогие друзья!
Модификация «JUST» Online отправлена на закрытое бета-тестирование. В ходе ЗБТ будут выявляться и исправляться баги и возможные краши сервера.
Запуск открытого бета-тестирования намечен на 1 февраля.

Уровни подписки


$ 0,78 в месяц
The cheapest subscription level.
Gives early access to news about the project.


$ 1,35 в месяц
Advanced level: indication in acknowledgements, unique news


$ 5,1 в месяц
Even higher level: access to the private chat of donaters in Discord.


$ 16,8 в месяц
The highest subscription level: issue your unique role on the Discord server.
If you have been banned from a Discord server, you will be unbanned.