creator cover Slavenich


Animation, artworks and... porn?
3 of 100 paid subscribers
I can eat, cheers. (ru) Я могу нормально есть. Спасибо.
1 of 2
600.48 of $ 1 117 money raised
comm payments

About the creator

Hello i do stuff. If you like it throw a dollar or two at me or even sub.
Discord link in case it doesn't work xd
there is a link there
Level required:

Making a discord server

All subs and people i personally like will be invited
i will ask what to do around and just post stuff
if you are fellow artist we might help each other out
to get in you need to log into your discord on boosty
commission for ScaledFox
Level required:
commission for gateausalaire full res picture
Level required:
Csp file for a Charcoal lion commission
csp file for a charcoal commission
Level required:
CSP File for Quillic Avali commission
Thy file from lands of csp
Level required:
CSP file
CSP file for Molten Love from Lobotomy Corporation
Level required:
CSP file for GSalaire commission
CSP file for Gsalaire commission
Level required:
fast and awesome, definitly the best artist in the word

Subscription levels


$ 1,12 per month
Nsfw access
Доступ к 18+ контенту
+ chat


$ 4,5 per month
Cheers mate. You may get a cooler role once i get an actual server on discord.
csp file perhaps?
Everything from the previous tiers.
Спасибо. Ты получишь крутую роль если я сделаю сервер в дискорде.
Файл csp?
Все с прошлых тиров.
+ chat


$ 6,7 per month
You get a slot in my ych'es (if no one wants to bid higher)
Everything from the previous tiers.
У тебя будет слот в моих ючах(если никто не поставит выше).
Все с прошлых тиров.
+ chat

Wise Mystical Subscriber

$ 11,2 per month
Cheers? Not sure why would you do that but huge thanks mate.
You get a monthly sketchy ahh request (with extra pay can upgrade it)
Everything from the previous tiers.
Спасибо? Не уверен конечно зачем, но огромное спасибо.
Все с прошлых тиров.
+ chat
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