Alex Sherman
Alex Sherman
262 subscribers
20 of 20 paid subscribers
Так я смогу почувствовать поддержку и понять, что можно продолжать заниматься любимым творчеством
1 of 2
1 127.78 of $ 1 467 money raised
Donation goal for those who want to support me additionally. I want to upgrade equipment, so if you want to help me, I will be grateful.

Long time no see and returning to work

Hi guys, long time no see...

First: I'm sorry I disappeared, but I had to leave for a very long time to work trip and help my country.

Second: recently I returned, but I haven’t forgotten about you. In my free time I've been working on my OWN CHARACTERS! and I can finally share the result with you. Unfortunately, I felt stuck when working with video games characters. I was depressed that I was parasitic on someone's idea and hard work. It didn't inspire me anymore... Now I would like to continue working like this. Once every two or three weeks, release "full-fledged renders stylized as a magazine with my own characters". Maybe if you like the whole concept, we can do the same with some characters from the games, but later... 

Third: this type of work requires enormous effort. Especially to draw my own character from scratch, considering that I am not a 3D graphics expert by any means and this requires good equipment. Unfortunately, my laptop with 2060 RTX, which I bought a long time ago with the money I earned from Patreon is already outdated for this kind of work.

I thought about saving up for it from your subscriptions here on Boosty, but I set the price too low at $1, of which half went to taxes. In fact, from each subscription I didn’t even have enough money for a cup of coffee from the vending machine. It's hard for me, but in a few days I will raise the subscription price to $5, as it was before. Don't worry, those who have already subscribed will not change their price. This will only affect new subscribers. I understand that not everyone will agree with this, but there is no other way for me...   

However, I hope that this time everything will be better and you will like the new style, original characters and new concept with magazine  issues. Thanks to everyone who is still here. I don't deserve you, but I'll try to make things right this time.

A new post with the first girl Dr. Samantha B. will be immediately after this message. Enjoy.  
С возвращением!
Роман Минашкин, спасибо.) Надеюсь смогу восстановить всё

Subscription levels

А ты хорош/ You're Pretty good

$ 1,13 per month
  Thank you for your support, it means a lot 
• this is the minimum cost, however, you can offer any amount that you consider worthy 
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