Sketch Man
Sketch Man
22 подписчика

Reward system explained

Whenever you subscribe to a $10, $20 or $40 tier you can make a request by commenting the following posts:
Once that happens, you will be put in queue. You can keep track of your position in real time here
If you forget to make a request for that cycle it's lost forever, so please make sure to post a new comment/request each time. The most convenient time is right after yours has been posted. You need to stay subbed for the duration of the cycle to avoid being pushed down in the queue. You can change your tier mid-cycle if you change your mind but anything below 10$ will drop you out of the queue.
If you have any question please leave it in the comments :)

Уровни подписки

$3 Early Access

$ 3,5 в месяц
You gain access to ALL of my content that I post here. This includes finished illustrations, comic pages, animations, work in progress and daily  private livestreams! 

$10 Monochrome sketch

$ 11,4 в месяц
You can request a monochrome sketch with up to two characters every cycle (about two months of subscription time). All of the info is explained here:

$20 Colored sketch

$ 22,8 в месяц
You can request one of these:
-1 character colored sketch
-1 character monochrome animation
-3 characters monochrome sketch
You can make a request every cycle (about two months of subscription time). All of the info is explained here:

$40 Colored animation

$ 46 в месяц
You can request one of these
-1 character colored animation
-2 characters colored sketch
You can make a request every cycle (about two months of subscription time). All of the info is explained here: