Sketch Man
Sketch Man
26 подписчиков

Season Changes chapter 12-5

Нужен уровень:
$3 Early Access

Уровни подписки

$3 Early Access

$ 3,5 в месяц
You gain access to ALL of my content that I post here. This includes finished illustrations, comic pages, animations, work in progress and daily  private livestreams! 

$10 Monochrome sketch

$ 11,6 в месяц
You can request a monochrome sketch with up to two characters every cycle (about two months of subscription time). All of the info is explained here:

$20 Colored sketch

$ 23,1 в месяц
You can request one of these:
-1 character colored sketch
-1 character monochrome animation
-3 characters monochrome sketch
You can make a request every cycle (about two months of subscription time). All of the info is explained here:

$40 Colored animation

$ 47 в месяц
You can request one of these
-1 character colored animation
-2 characters colored sketch
You can make a request every cycle (about two months of subscription time). All of the info is explained here: