creator cover Shishiq


✨ Digital artist ✨
0 of 3 paid subscribers
I am just starting out on my path so I would like to share my arts! If you subscribe and tell your friends about me, you will help me a lot! 💜

About the creator

Привет! Мне 25, RU/ENG, ♀.
Я цифровой художник. Рисую персонажей людей, фурри и драконов!
Здесь вы можете заказать у меня коммишены, оплатить ючи/адопты или просто поддержать меня! 💞
Hi! I'm 25, RU/ENG, ♀.
I'm a digital artist. I draw human, furry and dragon characters!
Here you can order from me commissions, pay ych/adopt or just support me! 💞

Мои аккаунты | My accounts:
Discord: https://discord.gg/etherniarp or shishiq
Telegram: https://t.me/shishiq_art
Fur Affinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/shishiq
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/shishiq

Subscription levels

Knight 🗡️

$ 2,51 per month
🔹This is the standard subscription level!
🔹My knights get access to view WIP content and take full size versions of my arts! 💜

Duke 🍷

$ 5,1 per month
🔹You get all the features of the lower subscription levels.
🔹Dukes get access to vote for my future works!
🔹Dukes can join my private chat on telegram! 💌

Royal 👑

$ 10,1 per month
🔹You get all the features of the lower subscription levels.
🔹Royalty Level subscribers can get a .psd file of their order to see the process of working on it!
🔹Royal's get a 10% discount on the price of their order!
🔹Sketch gifts (portrait or fullbody) once every 3 months at your request!
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