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LOKP - The New Adventure - Act-3 - The Wild Planet (v0.04) News 5

I think this will be the final post before the release of game update 004, and in this post I would like to describe the latest news regarding the status of the game project at the moment.
So... Work on the game code is almost complete. All video files have been added to the project, and several variations of monologues from Krystal's side when visiting the location Mysterious Cave have been added (variations depend on the moment when Krystal visits this cave, being familiar with Mira or not yet), and many different sounds have also been added to this Mysterious cave as well.
What's left to do? Write some more or less interesting text for the dialogues between Krystal and the two new NPCs in the Warriors Zone, and also add more monologues from Krystal regarding each of the visited objects in the location (this also applies to the Mysterious Cave location, I haven’t finished the text there yet).
How soon will I finish this? I don't know, I don't want to write something too banal, but my real work is really filling my head and it's hard for me to concentrate and come up with something beautiful, but I hope I can do it this weekend.
However, there is good news - I managed to find another person who is very excited about the project and took on the task of helping to correct my dialogues for game projects 002 and 003 (and possibly 004 if he quickly finishes the first two), and already in game update 004 many errors in the dialogues will be corrected. So far the adjustment process is going very well, and if this pace continues, the project's release will not be delayed for more than a week.
Thank you for your attention and patience.
P.S. I've been afraid of this for a long time, but I think that already in version 005 the moment has come for me to try to enter the combat system code into the game... To be honest - I'm not sure that my brain works as well as several years ago, and understanding the complexity and volume of the code and the fixes that I want to add - I can make a lot of mistakes in it... But, perhaps... I'm too pessimistic about all this, and I will be able to surprise even myself when I get around to it. Well, time will tell, I hope I will be able to overcome most of the difficulties without serious problems.

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