Shamzi White
Shamzi White
47 subscribers
7 of 100 paid subscribers
It will allow me to have time to release comics on regular basis
182.68 of $ 364 money raised
For "Deals And Dealers" Chapter 3
0 of $ 24 222 money raised
Commission Jar

Subscription levels

Smol Supporter

$ 1,22 per month
Smol, but important!
+ chat

Average Fan Art enjoyer

$ 2,43 per month
Everyone who just wants to support my bi-weekly creation of fanarts or just want to show their love towards the artist without blowing the wallet out^^
Also gets to enjoy the bi-weekly votings^^
+ chat

Heavy-duty supporter

$ 8,5 per month
For those who would like to see more arts each months and want to support the creation of those a little more.
+ chat
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