Laura Baker
Laura Baker
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Best Ways To Cut the Cost of Your New Furniture

When looking to furnish your home, you will often have a massive task at hand. You could be looking at spending thousands of pounds, in a worst-case scenario. But if you’re a first-time homeowner, or have just purchased a new house, you’re probably not going to want to spend a load more money on simply furnishing your new home.
Car boot sales
Furniture is among some of the costliest purchases for your home, but if you’re smart about it, you can get some really good deals, reducing the cost of your furnishings by a lot. First off, look for yard, garage, and car boot sales. Estate sales are probably one of the best places to find discount furniture, though they may seem few and far between, you can usually find some form of sale online if you do your research.
Former occupants
If you’re moving in somewhere new, the best way to find some furniture deals is to look for people currently moving out. Most people nowadays tend not to bring all of their furniture with them when they move house and disposing of it can be a costly and time-consuming process. You’ll find that with a little luck, you can purchase a piece of furniture with minimal wear and tear for a fraction of the price you would find on the high street or online by asking the former residents what they’d be willing to sell you from their own furniture collection.
Thrift and charity shops
Thrift shops don’t usually come to mind when thinking about reduced home furniture, but you’d be surprised! Many thrift shops nowadays do feature pieces of furniture and getting deals on these pieces is just a matter of putting in the time and effort shopping around for them. Thrift store items are likely donated and will obviously vary greatly in quality, but if you’re lucky you can find some really great pieces for your new home.
Affordable furniture stores
Shopping at relatively cheap furniture shops such as Ikea will help to cut the cost of your house furnishings. If you’re looking to save some money, unfortunately small businesses probably aren’t the way to go – flat packs and the determination to build your own furniture goes a long way when saving up the pennies. Discount furniture stores, and seasonal furniture sales are also a great way to find some discounted furniture. You will always find some great discounts during clearance sales; it’s just about finding the right shops in your area to go to.
Buy furniture online
Some of the best places to find discounted furniture are online. Websites such as Amazon, eBay and Facebook marketplace will always be competitive in the world of discount furniture. Gumtree is another great place to look when trying to find furniture deals, there are lots of people willing to compromise on prices, and lots of people simply looking to get rid of pieces of furniture they no longer need – sometimes you’ll find that people are even willing to give away pieces for free!
Price matching
Sometimes, price matching can be a great tool when it comes to getting the price of furniture down. Many stores will offer price matching with some of the most famous retail stores in order to get your business, so don’t be afraid to ask a store manager if they are willing to price match a product you have seen elsewhere, you could just get a good deal.
Discount codes
In the world of online shopping, discount codes are increasingly prevalent. If you’re a student you can easily get ten to twenty percent off pretty much anywhere, so utilise this to the best of your ability. If you’re not a student, you can still find discount codes all over the internet and a simple Google search will yield many of these codes a lot of the time. Be smart about your online shopping and you could find yourself receiving discounts on furniture anywhere up to around fifty percent off! Following all this advice could cut the cost of furnishing your home by thousands of pounds, so be sure to do your research and look around.
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