Spark of Mad
Spark of Mad
23 подписчика
3 из 50 платных подписчиков
I'd like 50 regular subscribers, maybe it will work out!
0 из $ 228 собрано
For the development of the project :3

Spoiler for Chapter Three #2

You can get your underwear ready, because...
Нужен уровень:
Librarian (3$)

Уровни подписки

Librarian (3$)

$ 3,5 в месяц
The most basic subscription!
With this subscription you will have access to:
- Early access to publications!
- Help to the project, and the desire to move further up!

Keeper (7$)

$ 6,9 в месяц
This subscription includes bonuses such as:
- Early access to publications!
- Role on the discord server only for holders of this subscription!
+ чат

God (23$)

$ 22,8 в месяц
Wow! Are you sure?!
This subscription has all of the above bonuses, and includes the following:
- Access to exclusive content and a chance to learn about the first character sketches!
- Specifying your avatar along with your nickname at the end of the build.
- An improved version of the discord role!
- Huge heart :3
+ чат