
Game Developer
0 из 3 платных подписчиков
I'd like to start having first content creation earnings to have stronger inspiration moving forward into dedicating my life to creating good games.

Об авторе

I am an aspiring game developer who dreams on creating titanic projects, wishing to learn all sides of the craft as much as I can and make fun games I myself would gladly disappear in. Hopefully dedicating entire life to such a beautiful art.

Of-course being only one man, it is going to be a heavy undertaking to take and carry all my desired projects to a somewhat completed form, so I would never be against using the funds donated to me or otherwise earned to employ assitance in making those games better in every possible way I can discover.

I do not forsee abandoning any of my games at any point, for they would be mine and your worlds to inhabit, unless extreme circumstances prevent me from continuing at which point of-course I will try and make sure those creations live on.
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Уровни подписки

First Level

$ 2,26 в месяц
The very first level of support

Second Level

$ 4,6 в месяц
A little more charity from your heart

Third Level

$ 6,8 в месяц
You think there is hope for some projects.

Fourth level

$ 9,1 в месяц
You like one or more of the games being created and want to support it.

Fifth Level

$ 11,3 в месяц
You know in your heart it should exist and be good.

Sixth Level

$ 57 в месяц
You are in awe of the potential that lies within one or more of the games

Seventh Level

$ 113 в месяц
You wish for me to dedicate most time on a project and want to set primary goals for it's versions.

Eight level

$ 338 в месяц
You trust me with getting it done right, working day and night after what you seen and want to have intimate knowledge, view and personal requests for development. (Also you will kill me in my sleep if I even so much as think of taking a pause from one or some of my games.)