creator cover Anest


art, animation, comics and commissions
1 356.22 of $ 12 527 money raised
For tips <3

About the creator

Nicely wrapped
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5

Sorry for missing!

Ohai guys! 
I'm awfully sorry i've been missing for a bit, migration (i'm still struggling to migrate from Ukraine and stay in the safe place) paperwork sucks and held me tight. Now, as for now all my paperwork is done, i can focus on creating content!
As promised, all turtle brothers 18+ content is on the way! All WIPs along with NSFW content you can view on my discord channel. It's mostly posted there first! 
Thank you for all the support and stay tuned for soon-to-come updates! <3 
Leo x OC (NSFW 18+)
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5
Kitty Kasey (NSFW)
Always get access first on my discord server!
All depicted characters are 18+
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5
Casey & Ruth FHS AU WIPS
pack of some WIPs i have soon to post
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5
Future!Donnie + Spaceship (NSFW)
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5
Animation for ZudrialRose
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5
Custom Icon for FurrealFurry on FA!
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5
Custom icon for Hajinn from FA!
Level required:
Seagull Bow | ~$1.5

Subscription levels

Seagull Bow | ~$1.5

$ 1,26 per month
✦ Commission queue priority
✦ Artwork early access
✦ WIPs
✦ Access to the free art raffles
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