Sawedoff Custom Workshop
Sawedoff Custom Workshop
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Toyota Mark II [JZX100] Tuned Pack - Release

Hey, everybody!

Today, finally, long after the release of the stock version of the Mark II, I release the tuning version of this car, in the form of a whole pack. During this time there have been many iterations and tests of the physics. In the end, in our opinion, the physics model is almost perfect. In addition, in this pack you will find not just the same car on a different bodykit, but also these cars have different specifications.

For example: Kunnyz Spec has a lot of downforce, as well as a native 1JZ-GTE engine with serious modifications, in addition, the suspension is greatly modified, which allows you to put together a good time on the lap.

In the pack you will find: Vertex Spec, BN-Sport Spec, Kunnyz Spec, Supermade Spec, Traum Spec and Vertex Zenki Spec.

I also want to thank everyone for their support and kind words. And also many thanks to HSRC, Ini-F and especially Corduroy for working with physics!

The car was made with love, I hope you enjoy it very much!

Below, as always, you will find: in-game screenshots, download links as well as a full description

Very important moments!

1. Required Latest Custom Shader Patch
2. Make Sure You Have Enabled Extended Physics In CM! (this mod using cosmic suspension)
3. Highly Required Tyres App Ext (tyres_app_ext 5.0) (because kunos tyres app dosen't work correct with extended tyre physics)
4. All Car Emissive's Lighting As Well As Shaders Are NOT ADAPTED To Use LCS in CSP. Use LCS Only At Your Own Risk. It is Recommended To Use Pure Gamma.
5. Optional Recommend PPfilter: C13 AEGIS


-Base Model: Ivanov 3D Worx
-Convert & Model Edit: Sawedoff
-Extensions & PBR: Sawedoff
-Physics: Corduroy & Ini-F [HSRC] (Hearty Sundays Racing Club Official Discord Channel)


-Specifications With 1JZ-GTE 2.5 & 2JZ-GTE 3.0
-Includes Vertex Aero, BN-Sport Aero, Kunny'z Aero, Supermade Aero, Traum Aero, Vertex Zenki Aero
-Correct Model Scale & Wheelbase Of The 3D Models
-Cosmic Suspension, Extended Tyre Physics And Much More
-Supports All Custom Shader Patch Features
-Working Wipers
-Included Interior Animations
-Fully AO Baked Interior/Exterior
-VAO Patched
-Added LODs


-Daylights OFF/ON - EXTRA-A
-Fog Lights - EXTRA-B
-Interior Top Light - EXTRA-C

Download links & Previews:

External Download Link From Mega: Click
External Download Link From Google Drive: Click

Also, you can download this mod at my Telegram channel: Click

Toyota Mark II JZX100 - Tuned Pack.7z599.06 MbDownload
another sick ass release
Bro i just got scammed trying to buy this car from someone in ur telegram. Can u please message me?b
toxzajs From your AC | SCW Chat
you are one of the best AC modders if not the best, the quality is amazing, and the taste in cars also, keep releasing more please!
Hi! i am trying to purchase your unencrypted cars through boosty but it will not take my card. is there another way i can send u the money?

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