Sawedoff Custom Workshop
Sawedoff Custom Workshop
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Nissan Laurel C35 Club S - Public Release

Sup everyone, gents! The Nissan Laurel C35 Club S & Club S Alternative is heading into release today! There's not much to say about it. The car was made for myself personally first and foremost, exactly to the point of liking every aspect of it myself

The project was done in parallel with the Chaser, but was finished later. Tried to do better than the original base model. Of course, it's far from perfect, but it is what it is. The interior is quite nice. The physics may not be a hundred percent accurate, but also turned out quite good. In any case, there is a feeling that it is a heavy business sedan, which can accelerate, drive laps, perhaps drift, or touge. But the best option is riding around Shutoko or Nurburgring or any other freeroam tracks. After all - it is not a super-car, it's just a civil road car. But it's a good option for just cruising around, espicially if you are fan of Nissan Laurel C35 and looking for something like this mod :)

Important: Two different versions are released at once! The first one is basiclly a stock version of the car. The second one - slightly modified. The physics is the same, they differ only by different coloring schemes, wheels and so on.

Below, as always, you will find screenshots, full description of all works, credits and so on. In addition, a download link. External links are also available.


-Base: RelendGarage
-Model Edit: Sawedoff
-Extensions: Sawedoff
-Plates: AEGIS Visuals


-13 Stock'ish Skins For Base Version & 10 Alternative Skins For The "ALT." Version
-Fully Reworked & Retextured Interior
-3D Engine Bay
-New Brakedisks, Calipers
-Changed Wipers Meshes
-Added New Wipers Animation
-Added Hood Animation (Works As EXTRA)
-Added Boot Animation (Works As EXTRA)
-Added All Doors Animations (Works As EXTRA's)
-Added Hazard Button Animation
-Added Handbrake Animation
-Added Gas, Brake, Clutch Pedal Animations
-Added Turnsignal & Wipers Handle Animations
-Added Horn Animation
-Added Shifting Animation & Proper Steering Animation
-Added Dash Time Clocks
-Added Some Interior Details
-Full AO Body
-Fully AO Baked & REbaked Interior
-Fixed Some Issues
-Added LODs


-Added Interior Turnsignals Sound (But This Feature Works Only From CSP 0.1.80-PREVIEW1 And Higher!)
-Refractions (Headlights, Taillights, Turnsignals, Fog Lights, Rear Plate Lights)
-Emissive Interior & Exterior Lightning
-Emissive Traction Control, ABS, Handbrake
-Emissive Oil Temp, Hazard, Check Engine, Fuel Level
-Extra FX Emissive's
-Working Low Beam & Highbeam
-Working Turnsignals
-Working Odometer
-Wobbling Exhaust
-Android Auto
-Wipers Wobble by the Wind
-Brakedisk FX
-PBR Materials (Interior & Exterior)


Open Hood- EXTRA-A
Open Boot - EXTRA-B
Open Right Front Door - EXTRA-C
Open Left Front Door- EXTRA-D
Open Left Rear Door - EXTRA-E
Open Right Rear Door - EXTRA-F

Stock'ish Version:
External download link from Mega: Click
External download link from Google Drive: Click

External download link from Mega: Click
External download link from Google Drive: Click

Also, you can download this mod at my Telegram channel: Click
Nissan Laurel C35 Club S - Public Release by Sawedoff.7z117.74 MbDownload
Nissan Laurel C35 Club S ALTERNATIVE Version - Public Release by Sawedoff.7z187.24 MbDownload
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Тупорылая Залупа, Привет. Маловероятно, во-первых по обвесам ничего интересного, во-вторых, никому не интересно под него физику делать. Ну и как последний гвоздь в крышку гроба - модель оставляет желать лучшего, тут уже в принципе интереса ковырять его нету. К тому же, в данный момент я занят другим проектом, работа над которым идёт примерно с октября-ноября, и он будет гораздо интереснее всего, что было сделано до этого.

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