Sawedoff Custom Workshop
Sawedoff Custom Workshop
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Toyota Cresta Roulant G - Update to v1.1

Hi all. While work on Chaser continues, I decided to revisit one of my past mods and deal with certain issues that everyone has encountered on recent versions of CSP.

Toyota Cresta Roulant G has been updated to v1.1

What was done in the update:

-Fixed Missing Side Mirrors
-Fixed Bugs With Exterior Windows Glass
-Fixed Interior Roof Window Glass (Now RainFX Works Properly)
-Fixed Missed Grille Emblem Plastic
-Fixed Transparent Front Bumper, Rear Bumper, Sides From The Inside View (Now Ambient Shadows From The Car Looks A Lot Better)
-Retouched And Improved All Turnsignals And Taillights Refractions
-Added More Brightness For All Emissive's (Now On PURE Everything Looks Good, But At SOL Can Be Too Bright...)
-Added Turnsignals Sound For Interior
-Some Minor Fixes And Improvements...

Also, this update included now into paid unencrypted version of Cresta.

Don't forget to delete old version and make clean install of new version!

Down below you will find a download link. As well as screenshots showing full functionality on the latest versions of Custom Shader Patch!


Also alternative download link available at my Telegram channel: Click
Toyota Cresta Roulant G Update to 1.1 Public.7z140.63 MbDownload

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