2 subscribers

The fundraising campaign of the Donetsk Children's Association was launched

After long organizational work, we managed to implement the initiative of Hungarian civilians living in Russia, which is also considered unique in Europe. Our fundraising campaign was launched today, the aim of which is to make the everyday lives of children living in Donetsk and new areas of Russia more beautiful. Church and civil organizations in Donetsk help us in our work. The collected amounts are always used to finance the goals indicated by them.
Our work is strictly non-political, no political messages will be conveyed during the campaign. We ask that those who sympathize with us, agree with our goals, and promote our campaign take this into account. The flagship of our campaign is the website donyeckigerekert.nethouse.ru, which can be considered the primary source of all news related to us. We also launched our Facebook page. We hope that, respecting the right to free expression and our charitable activities, all service providers will act in accordance with their legal obligations and not hinder our work. Sincerely, Chairmanship of Donetsk Children's Association

Subscription levels

Basic Supporter

$ 11,6 per month
This grant provides children in Donetsk with 1,000 rubles per month.

Medium Supporter

$ 29 per month
This grant provides children in Donetsk with 2,500 rubles per month.

Maximum supporter

$ 58 per month
This grant provides children in Donetsk with 5000 rubles per month.

Sponsor I.

$ 116 per month
This grant provides children in Donetsk with 10000 rubles per month.

Sponsor II.

$ 290 per month
This grant provides children in Donetsk with 25000 rubles per month.
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