creator cover Sanek-creed


Android Developer
70.92 of $ 114 money raised
на запасной мм3

About the creator

Для поддержки через PayPal. https://hipolink.me/sanek_creed

Lineage21 200

If you have not filled in the information in the bot you will have to make a refund.Warning! Make a backup to an external storage medium, according to the requirements of Google, the ROM must be signed. cleaning internal storage.
• changes sources for performance
• Updated to Latest July Security patch
• remove unnecessary spam logs
• Merge QPR3
* Kernel default syberia 2.5
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how do i get this rom.....do i buy it,,..how much is it.????...thanks
gram gram, everything is in the bot via the download link
Comment removed
gram gram, The bot is sleeping now and I will be sleeping too.
LOS 20
Level required:
Гуру прошивок
Crdroid 10
Level required:
FlashMaster Nitrogen
Arrow OS 13.1
Level required:
Гуру прошивок

feedback | Обратная связь

Народ если у вас существуют какие то проблемы или вопросы по прошивкам задавайте их под постом на конкретную прошивку. Ну или пишите мне лично в телеграм. В группу поддержки если не подписчик https://t.me/roms_mimax
Или в группу подписчиков boosty для уровневых подписчиков. На других платформах бываю редко и такие посты удаляют тк это другая платформа.
if there are problems with the ROM, write about it in the post under the Rom or directly to me in telegram pm or if you are in a chat for boosty subscribers telegram. I don't work on other platforms.
Level required:
FlashMaster Nitrogen
Level required:
Гуру прошивок
Lineage OS
Level required:
FlashMaster Nitrogen
Level required:
FlashMaster Nitrogen
Level required:
FlashMaster Nitrogen

Subscription levels

Dzen 2 hours а13

$ 0,13 per month
Dzen for A13. Watch two hours of videos and to write a comment every day.
this is a prerequisite.

Dzen 1 hour а13

$ 1,48 per month
every day for 1 hours.
Hello, you have subscribed to the subscription level of one hour per day dzen is a prerequisite for getting the ROM.
watching videos and writing comments is a prerequisite.
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Гуру прошивок

$ 5,2 per month
Сюда входят все посты с прошивками и ядрами a13
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FlashMaster Nitrogen

$ 6,3 per month
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