обложка автора Sanda Sielin

Sanda Sielin

Digital artist and fashion designer ♥
Sanda Sielin
1 785.19 из $ 1 580 собрано
New iPad owo
1 132.66 из $ 1 129 собрано
To buy my meds and food for cats

Об авторе

My name is Sanda and Im a self taught digital artist with passion to fashion. I mostly create fanarts of videogame characters but in my special fancy way. 
I appriciate any support, thank you so much ♥
All my socials:

Уровни подписки

Just a monthly help

$ 5,7 в месяц
Just a monthly help
I'll post some wip sometimes or behind the scene photos ♥
Also you'll be able to participate in polls and kinda decide on what I gonna draw ;3