Payment is made in rubles. Prices are also indicated in rubles. Please don't worry. You can use any convenient payment method (card or Paypal). The dollar to ruble exchange rate can be found independently.
Sometimes there are technical problems, then you can try different payment methods (Paypal works better), you can also try to pay from different browsers, from a computer or from a phone. The rest of the site works great.
There is a separate post for each item. Just click on the link of the product you need 🠗🠗🠗★
Digital: cosplay photo and video tutorials. After purchasing the post, you will see a full description with a link to download the tutorial.
★ Plush toys. When you buy a post with a physical product, you automatically make a pre-order. Please read all the information in the profile description before ordering. I recommend contacting me before ordering to discuss all the details of the toy and delivery -