Russian Progress
Russian Progress
153 subscribers
14.92 of $ 1 159 money raised
One time donation. Спасибо!

№ 147 - Июнь ‘24

Полная транскрипция, словарь, файлы mp3 и pdf
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Subscription levels


$ 2,32 per month
Regular donation. Boosty is the best platform for me to support my work monetarily. Спасибо!


$ 5,3 per month
Transcripts to all podcast episodes and videos on the channel (250+), PDF files with vocabulary, audios of youtube videos, live streams (soon)


$ 10,5 per month
Exclusive content: 50 exclusive videos and 48 extra podcasts, RU/EN transcripts to some episodes + bonuses above

Урок в неделю

$ 105 per month
4 conversation lessons of 45 minutes each per month (lesson per week) with correction of all mistakes + all content here

Два урока в неделю

$ 186 per month
8 conversation lessons of 45 minutes each per month (2 lessons per week) with correction of all mistakes + all content here
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