Russian Bear
Russian Bear
667 subscribers
82 of 280 paid subscribers
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RB's set N6 CBBE 3BA light top

And here's the lightweight top ready :)
Oh yes, I changed the texture of the net in the "top" element a bit. The chest area is now more exposed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nicely done, my friend.
Thank you very much, my friend! There will be another variation of this element.
I think it's great to have variation in equipment elements. You can mix and match and try different combinations :)
how do I download this?
Hello! This mod is not yet ready and there is no link to it.
I need to make a few more elements.
we do not use paypal here,how can I pay you?

Subscription levels

The bear says THANK YOU !!!

$ 3,1 per month
Thank you so much! Now the bear can afford a barrel of honey!

Bear's roar!

$ 5,7 per month
Incredible charge of energy! Huge motivation for the bear!!! Thank you :)
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