обложка автора rubberfrills


Cute TF art!
1 177.56 из $ 1 689 собрано
One track mind, one track heart

Об авторе

Hi, I'm Rubberfrills and this is my Boosty page. It's like Patreon or Fantia but you can donate without subscriptions which is really nice. Cheers!!

January post

Difference between by rough sketch and final sketch

December post

Sneak peek at my soon to be uploaded balloon TF commi

November post

Here's a little breakdown of the different layers that went into my recent animation commission

October post

As you can see initially the text was a bit less detailed

April post

So so so much work, I edit I shoot and then all I have energy left for is Japanese school chad simulator. But I will get back to drawing soon enough.

Уровни подписки

Tip jar

$ 2,26 в месяц
The $3 a month tip jar for those of you who for some reason want to make use of it.