Roselia Mills
Roselia Mills
17 subscribers
9.14 of $ 207 money raised

Full Mini Set with Me

Level required:
Pudding 🍮

Subscription levels

Chocolate chip cookie 🍪

$ 0,52 per month
 🍪 - Cosplay plans
 🍪 - 5 HD photos from the new set

Waffles 🧇

$ 1,04 per month
🧇 - Access to the previous level of content
🧇 - Early Access Video
🧇 - 5 HD photos from a all sets

Сhocolate donut 🍩

$ 1,55 per month
🍩 - Access to the previous level of content
🍩 - Mobile photos

Honey 🍯

$ 2,07 per month
🍯 - Access to the previous level of content
🍯 - Access to 1 mini photo set
🍯 - Costume fitting

Pudding 🍮

$ 2,58 per month
🍮 - Access to the previous level of content
🍮 - Access to all home photo sets

Cake 🧁

$ 3,1 per month
🧁 - Access to the previous level's of content
🧁 - 1 New Full Set

Piece of strawberry pie 🍰

$ 3,7 per month
🍰- Access to the previous level's of content
🍰- 2 Full Set's

Blueberry pie 🥧

$ 4,7 per month
🥧 - Access to the previous level's of content
🥧 - 3 Full Set

Chocolate 🍫

$ 5,2 per month
 🍫 - Access to the previous level's of content
 🍫 - Access to all photosets of 2023

Strawberry (16 +) 🍓

$ 7,3 per month
🍓- Access to the previous level's of content
🍓- Access to all full photosets  in lingere (16+)

Ice cream 🍨

$ 8,3 per month
🍨 - Access to the previous level's of content
🍨 - Access to all old photosets of 2022

Сhocolate cake 🎂

$ 10,4 per month
🎂 - Access to the previous level's of content
🎂 - Access to all old photosets of 2022  

Moon Cake 🥮

$ 15,5 per month
🥮 - Access to the previous level's of content
🥮 - Access to all old photosets of 2021

Lollipop 🍭

$ 20,7 per month
 🍭 - Access to the previous level's of content
 🍭 - Access to all old photosets of 2020

Candies 🍬

$ 31 per month
  🍬- Access to the previous level's of content
 🍬 - Access to all full old photosets    
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