обложка автора RoboInstructor


Manuals for teaching robotics and kid's fun
101.87 из $ 339 собрано
If I get this sum of money - I can order new kit of Lego Education "Spike Essential" and start to create new models.
0 из $ 9,1 собрано
It's middle sum for two instructions. After donate send us payment receipt to our official e-mail:
0 из $ 4,6 собрано
It's middle sum for one instruction. After donate send us payment receipt to our official e-mail:
0 из $ 564 собрано
If I get this sum of money - I can order new kit of Lego Education "Spike Prime" and start to create new models.

Об авторе

The developer of building instructions from educational kits especially such as Lego Education, Fischertechnik and so on.
The aim - to make an educational process of robotics more interesting and fun for children, and at the same time to help teachers get cool materials for organizing their lessons.

Уровни подписки

Access to one new building instructions

$ 2,82 в месяц
There will be a new instruction once a month - you can get it being subscriber

Access to two new building instructions

$ 5,7 в месяц
There will be a new instruction twice a month - you can get it being subscriber