creator cover Марина Соколова

Марина Соколова

Beaded flowers and beaded flowers tutorials
Марина Соколова
9.19 of $ 83 money raised
I need a new battery for my camera which provides photos for my PDFs and some beads for my new projects. Your support is highly appreciated!)

About the creator

Hello my bead friends!
I’m Marina Sokolova. I've been designing frenchbeaded flowers for over 15 years. In my blog you can find almost all of my patterns.
The tutorials are in English and contain detailed description of flowers making and assembly. Written instructions go along with high-quality photos of each step. The PDFs are attached to the posts and are available for instant download as soon as you purchase the post.     
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PDF Pattern of Beaded Bouquet Gentle Lines
A detailed 122 page PDF tutorial in English. Difficulty level - Advanced. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase
PDF Pattern of Beaded Forget-me-nots
A detailed 18 page PDF tutorial in English. Difficulty level - Beginner+. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase
PDF Pattern of Beaded Strawberries
A detailed 46 page PDF tutorial in English. Difficulty level - Intermediate. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase

How to pay via Boosty instruction [update]

From February 16, PayPal is temporarily
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1. Incorrect payment method
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Russian) bank card and want to make a payment in USD, select Bank card  
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PDF Pattern of Flower Arrangement Daydreams
A detailed 116 page PDF tutorial in English. Difficulty level - Advanced. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase
PDF Pattern of Beaded Larkspurs
A detailed 51 page PDF tutorial in English. Difficulty level - Intermediate. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase
PDF Pattern of Beaded Ranunculus Flowers
A detailed 52 page PDF tutorial in English. Difficulty level - Intermediate. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase
2 PDF Patterns of Christmas Bells
2 PDF tutorials in English. Difficulty level - Intermediate. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase
PDF Pattern of Beaded Orchid "A Little Dancer"
A detailed 41 page PDF tutorial in English. Difficulty level - Intermediate. Instant download.
Post is available after purchase
Perfect Round Top Round Bottom
Level required:
Gray Areas of Frenchbeading.

Subscription levels

Gray Areas of Frenchbeading.

$ 0,52 per month
you buy a pattern and the instructions seem clear, BUT your petals and leaves
still leave much to be desired. “What’s wrong with it?” you ponder. The aim of
this course is to give you the answers and to help you make your pieces perfect))
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