11 subscribers
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All beginnings are beginnings. Of something greater that just beginnings.

Alternative Payment Method Release

Hello, boosters!
Though the scripts in their original shape may not be working right now, that does not mean you cannot make them do!
What I mean by that, is that you can always modify the script as long as you have its' source code. And if you manage to find a solution of the current problem, you can implement it into the script you have, making it great again.
Earlier I've received some feedback about unavailability of purchasing a subscription or a post because of regional restrictions. That's why I've started a poll, asking YOU whether an alternative payment method (in TON cryptocurrency) should be added. The results of the poll are 100% votes for "Yes". So who am I not to listen to my community?
Since now, you can pay for those digital goods in Telegram!
Always remember, it's not a dead end as long as there isn't one!

Subscription levels


$ 0,44 per month
A simple subscription that doesn't take and doesn't give much. Wish to talk? I'm all ears! ✌️

Truth Seeker (GitHub etc.)

$ 2,45 per month
Get access to the source code of some scripts
(Check posts related to this subscription)
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