creator cover Reptilescharmer


artist, veterinarian snake keeper
0 of 100 paid subscribers
if I get 1000 paid subscribers I can devote more time to creativity and my animals, and maybe even open my own shelter and collect rare species of rep
12 427.11 of $ 49 870 money raised
One of the steps to my dream
201.51 of $ 6 234 money raised
Fundraising for a trip to "twilight" Oregon
12 513.77 of $ 12 468 money raised
most of the funds will go to feeding and maintaining the already existing mini zoo

About the creator

I am a professional artist and veterinarian as well as a holder of reptiles and other exotic animals, I will be glad to receive an order from you, this one will support the development of my mini zoo. Learn more and support here
hat art raccoon naga snake teeth bite
Level required:
Basic level
Level required:
Basic level
mavshots my mavshots
Level required:
Basic level
extraordinary vacation with a girl in the countryside
Level required:
Basic level
Creator has disabled comments for this post.
Level required:
Basic level
fnaf fanart
Level required:
Basic level

Subscription levels

Basic level

$ 6,3 per month
Your small contribution to my craft, you will learn almost everything about mine and creativity, but exclusive content will not be available

Exclusive access

$ 12,5 per month
thanks for your support! I will publish posts with my creativity only for my subscribers. And you will also have access to private comments, where you can chat with me and with each other.
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